Institute of Polar Oceanography and Meteorology

Release Time:2020-09-29Number of visits:1501

    The polar regions are important components of the global climate system and have experienced dramatic changes in a warming word. The changes in climate in polar regions and their possible influences on and feedback by processes in the rest of the globe have raised great challenges for scientific research.  The polar atmosphere, snow and ice covers, and the atmosphere's interface with the oceans and the landmasses are all brought together for systematic study and analysis within polar meteorology and oceanography.

    The faculty in the institute consists of 4 professors (Profs.Xuezhi Bai, Zhaomin Wang, Xidong Wang, and Xuhua Cheng), 1 associate Professor, 3 assistant Professors, and 1 Postdoc.      

    Due to natural variability and anthropogenic forcing, our planet is undergoing dramatic changes, such as rapid decline of sea ice, sea level rise, ocean warming and acidification, and high frequency of occurrence of extreme weather and climate events, which have raised great challenges for climate research.Climate change mitigation and adaptation require deep understanding of physical mechanism of ocean-atmosphere variability in key regions. Research at the institute is centered around the following themes:(1) Polar Oceanography,(2) Ocean Circulation and Air-Sea Interaction, and (3) Sea Level Change.