Institute of Marine Engineering Environment

Release Time:2020-09-29Number of visits:834

    Institute of Marine Engineering Environment (IMEE) is led by Dr. Guanghong Liao, has 8 faculties at present, including four senior professors (Dr. Yiquan Qi (Chairman of the College), Dr. Ruijie Li, Dr. Xidong Wang and Dr. Guanghong Liao), two associate professors (Dr. XiYing Liu, Dr. Haijing Cao), two assistant professors (Dr. Xuezhu Wang, Dr. Zhuhua Li).

    IMEE focused on the demand for marine economy and deep-sea engineering, and carries out researches on the variabilities and mechanisms of the meso- and small-scale ocean dynamical processes by taking the full advantages of the interdisciplinary between ocean dynamics and coastal and offshore engineering, and it also cultivates high-level talents in scientific research and professional technologic service for ocean engineering field.

    Research fields of IMEE include ocean dynamics, interaction between ocean and atmosphere and engineering oceanography IMEE members have published a large number of papers on international recognized top-class academic journals like Journal Physical Oceanography、Geophysical Research Letters、Journal Geophysical Research:Oceans、Deep Sea Research、Ocean modeling、Journal of Climate、Climate Dynamics、Ocean Engineering、Journal of Coastal Research.


IMEE has obtained research foundations from the project of national science foundation of China (NSFC), youth project of NSFC, Jiangsu science foundation, National key R & D projects, and business projects from enterprise, etc. The courses given by IMEE members including Introduction to Marine Science、Physical Oceanography、Ocean modelling、Engineering Oceanology、Regional Oceanography、Advanced Ocean Dynamics、Ocean Observations and Data Analysis