Meixiang Chen

Release Time:2020-10-16Number of visits:680

Meixiang CHEN

Associate Professor, College of Oceanography,Hohai University

1 Xikang Road, Nanjing 210098, P.R. China


Mobile: 86-15005185729



  • Ph.D. in Physical Oceanography, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China, 2009.

  • B.S. in Ocean Science, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China, 2004.


Working Experience

  • Lecturer, College of Harbor, Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Hohai University, July 2009 – September 2015.

  • Lecturer, College of Oceanography, Hohai University, October 2015 – June 2017.

  • Associate Professor, College of Oceanography, Hohai University, July 2017 – present.


Research Interest

  • Dynamics of global and regional (the Tropical and North Pacific Ocean, the Arctic Ocean) sea level change;

  • Impact of sea level rise on coastal areas;

  • Evaluation of sea level simulation in climate models (CMIP5/6);

  • Influence of land vertical motion on coastal sea level change.


Teaching experences

  • Main course: Analysis Method of Ocean Factors

  • Optional course: Ocean and Climate


Main Projects

  • Principle investigator of project “Impact of the Arctic climate change on sea level variation in the Arctic Ocean”. Funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 42076233). 2021.01–2024.12.

  • Main investigator of project “Construction of observation datasets and model evaluation for ocean-sea ice variables and processes” by National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2017YFA0604602). 2017.07–2022.06.

  • Principle investigator of project “Numerical research of the mechanisms of wind forcing on the low-frequency sea level variability in the tropical Pacific Ocean” Funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.41506006). 2016.01–2018.12.

  • Principle investigator of project “Prediction of relative sea level rise and possible inundation of the coast of Jiangsu Province” Funded by the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (Grant No.BK20140846). 2014.07–2017.06.


Selected Publications

  1. K Xiao, MX Chen*, Q Wang, XZ Wang, WH Zhang, 2020. Low-frequency sea level variability and impact of recent sea ice decline on the sea level trend in the Arctic Ocean from a high-resolution simulation. Ocean Dynamics, 70:787-802.

  2. MX Chen*, K Xiao, XZ Wang, XH Cheng, J Li. Status of observation and study on level variation of Arctic Ocean. Journal of Hohai University (Natural Sciences), 2020, 48(3):252-259 (in Chinese)

  3. J Li, W Tan*, MX Chen, FY Luo, Y Liu, QJ Fu, BT Li, 2020. An extreme sea level event along the northwest coast of the South China Sea in 2011–2012. Continental Shelf Research, 196: 104073.

  4. SY Xie, MX Chen*, JL Zhang, K Xiao. Influence of land vertical motion on coastal relative sea level change. Advances in Marine Science, 2019, 37(2): 11-21 (In Chinese)

  5. MX Chen*, CS Zuo, WH Zhang, YR Jia, XF LYU. Research progress of inter-annual and multi-decadal sea level variability in tropical Pacific Ocean. Journal of Hohai University (Natural Sciences), 2017, 45(3):249-255 (in Chinese)

  6. MX Chen*, WH Zhang, SS Zhang, XF Lv, Q Xu. Projections of the 21st Century Sea Level Rise in the China Seas from CMIP5 Models. Proceedings of the 26th InternationalOcean and Polar Engineering Conference, Rhodes, Greece, 2016, 784-791.

  7. J Li, W Tan*, MX Chen, JC Zuo, YQ Yang, 2016. The regional patterns of the global dynamic and steric sea level variation in twenty-first century projections. Global and Planetary Change, 146:133-139.

  8. MX Chen*, M Chang, WH Zhang, YR Jia, CS Zuo, 2016. Characteristics of Low-frequency Variation of Global Steric Sea Level. Advances in Marine Science, 2016, 34(2): 162-174 (In Chinese)

  9. CL Chen, JC Zuo, MX Chen, ZG Gao, CK Shum, 2014. Sea Level Change under the IPCC-A2 Scenario in the Bohai, Yellow, and East China Seas. Water Science and Engineering, 7(4):446-456.

  10. Q Lu, JC Zuo, YF Li, MX Chen, 2013. Interannual sea level variability in the tropical Pacific Ocean from 1993 to 2006. Global and Planetary Change, 107:70-81.

  11. J Li, JC Zuo, MX Chen, W Tan, YQ Yang, 2013. Assessing the global averaged sea level budget over 2003-2010. Acta Oceanol. Sin., 32(10):1-8.

  12. JC Zuo, YQ Yang, JL Zhang, MX Chen, Q Xu, 2013. Prediction of China’s Submerged Coastal Areas by Sea Level Rise due to Climate Change. Journal of Ocean University of China. 12(3):327-334.

  13. MX Chen, JC Zuo, L Du, PL Li, L Li, 2008. Distribution of the Engineering Water Levels along the Coast of China Seas under Sea Level Variation. Proceedings of the 18th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Vancover, Canada, 2008.6.28-7.01.

  14. MX Chen, JC Zuo, PL Li, L Du, L Li, 2007. Current and thermohaline Characteristics of the Arabian Sea during January of 1998. Journal of Ocean University of China, 6(6):117-124.