Yi Li

Release Time:2020-10-16Number of visits:678

    I'm a postdoctor working with Prof. Yongmin Tang. I received my PhD degree from Imperial College London in 2018 and moved to Hohai University in 2020. I'm now focusing on tropical cyclone prediction with strongly coupled data assimilation. The effects on typhoon intensity forecast have been demonstrated using an idealised case. I have also worked on the physical balance issue of ocean ensemble data assimilation, as well as global climate prediction. I have published over ten papers, including one selected as editors' highlights by AGU.


    PhD. Physics 2014-2018

        Imperial College London

        Thesis: Applications of regional ocean Ensemble Kalman Filter data assimilation

        Supervisor: Ralf Toumi

    M.S. Physical Oceanography 2009-2012

        Second Institute of Oceanography, SOA, China

        Thesis: Study on air-sea CO2 flux in East China Sea and North Western Paci c

        Supervisor: Dake Chen

    B.S. Environmental Science 2005-2009

        Ocean University of China

        Thesis: Efficiency Assessment of Wavelet Analysis for Detection of Climate Regime Shifts

        Thesis advisor: Zhe Liu

Selected Publications:

    1. Yi LI* and Ralf TOUMI, Improved tropical cyclone forecast by assimilating coastal surface

currents in an idealized study, Geophysical Research Letters , 45 (2018).

    2. Yi LI* and Ralf TOUMI, A balanced Kalman Filter ocean data assimilation system with

application to the South Australian Sea, Ocean Modelling , 116 (2017).

    3. Yi LI, Xingrong CHEN*, Jing TAN, Yongyong HUANG and Yi CAI, An ENSO hindcast

experiment using CESM (in Chinese), Acta Oceanologica Sinica 9, 37 (2015).

    4. Yi LI, Xingrong CHEN*, Jing TAN, Yongyong HUANG and Yi CAI, A Data Assimilation

Experiment Based on CESM (in Chinese), Marine Forecasts 3, 32 (2015)..

    5. Hailun HE, Yi LI* and Dake CHEN, Effect of wind-wave on the air-sea CO2 

ux in the North Paci c (in Chinese), Acta Oceanologica Sinica 4, 35 (2013).